Family planning is a way of life by which an  individual/couple can decide on the number of children, when to have them and the space  between them. Planning family size and spacing helps to protect the couples health and the children’s Health



These are methods you can use to space your  children and stop anytime you are ready to have another baby. The methods include the following:

(i)               Barrier Method
This prevent the male egg and the female from meeting themselves thereby preventing fertilization and pregnancy and HIV
Male condom
Female condom
Male condom is worn on an erect penis either by the manor the woman
Female condom is bigger and worn by a woman to prevent the one round of sexual intercourse.
Condoms are discarded either by flushing or burning after use
Male condoms have effective rate of 86% - 97% while female condom has effective rate of 76% - 95%

(2)  Oral Pills
The oral pills are taken daily
There are two types:
(1) Progesterone only ills or mini pills which is for exclusive breastfeeding mothers, so that production (lactation) of breast milk will be reduced orrette.

(2)  Combined pills contain progesterone and Estrogen. This is taken by mother with babies above 6 months

The pills is taken daily at the same time it works by making the cervical mucus thicker and sticky making it difficult for spermatozoa to pass through.
Example are: Microgynon, Lofemina and Duofern it is important to take the pill at the same time each day, even if you do not have sexual intercourse that day.
If she missed the tablet she takes when she remember and take the tablet for the day at  the right time but if she missed for three days she should take the tablet when remember, use condom as back up and see family planing provider for proper counselling effectiveness – 92 % - 99%

The injectable is made from hormones which stops the ovary form releasing an egg month. The injectable also make the cervical mucus thick and stickly making ikt difficult for sperm to penetrate. All injectables are given in upper arm on buttocks.

(1) Norigynon is given monthly
(2) Noristerat is given every two month
(3) Depo Provera is given every three month
-         Does not require taking special action before sexual intercourse
-         Can be used 6 weeks after delivery
-         May protect against certain cancer
-         Makes sickle cell crises less frequent and less painful


-         May stop monthly menstrual period but this is not harmful
-         May cause mild headache, breast tenderness and slight weight gain effectiveness – 99%

The implant stops the ovary from releasing an egg month. It also make the cervical mucus thick making it difficult for spermatozoa to penetrate


-         Uniplant has 1 rod and work for 1 year
-         Implanon has 1 rod and work for 3 years
-         Jadelle has 2 rod  and work for 5 years


The family planning provider insert the capsule under the skin in the upper arm and same is removed when the woman is ready to have another baby

-         Work for 1 – 5 days
-         Fertility returns 12 – 24 hrs after removal
Can be used when breast feeding


-         May feed some discomfort when the implant is inserted and during removal
-         Causes menstrual  changes
-         There could be weight gain, slight headache and nervousness
Intra – uterine contraceptive devices

It is amde of flexiblle plastic. It has a short string  which can be felt by inserting the middle finger into the vagina by the client to confirm that IUCD is in place


The    IUCD (CUT) Stops the sperm from meeting the egg. It also prevent implatation the zygote into the womb.


A trained family planning provider insert the IUCD (CUT) into the uterus through the vagina. The client feel for the string after menses every month if she does not feel the string, she should visit the family planing provider for advice and speculum examination.

The IUCD is removed when the client is ready to get pregnant.
-         Fertility returns soon after removal
-         Does not require taking action before sexual intercourse


-         Causes menstrual changes, menses could become heavier or prolonged
-         Pain or bleeding may occur right after the IUCD is inserted
-         There is risk of public inflammatory Disease

This method of family planning works by using sign to know when one is fertile and when she is not.

How it works
The clients avoid pregnancy bu not leaving sexual intercourse during the fertile period or she uses a barrier method like condom during the fertile period.

Methods or ways of natural family planning

(1) Calendar/calculation:

The client counts days on calendar. The day she starts her period is the first day between 11th and 16th days of her period is her fertile period while from 17th day till she sees her menses is her safe period and she can have sexual intercourse without getting pregnant.

(2) cervical secretions
there is increase cervical secretion when a woman is ovulating or during her fertile period.

(3) basal body temperature
the resting body temperature goes up slightly when a woman is ovulating.

(4) Feel of cervix
The cervix becomes softer during fertile period. It opens slightly and most whereas during safe period the cervix is former and closed.

(5) Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)
Some women do not menstruate during breast feeding and may not get pregnant so, this could be used as a natural family planning.


-         Very little or no cost
-         No physical side effect
-         No normal side effects
-         Once learned, requires no further help from a health care provider


-         Does not work as well as modern family planning methods
-         Requires continuing co-operation and commitment of both you and your partner
-         May be difficult to use if you have fever or a viginal infection.

About 80%

Surgical/sterilization method

Sterilization is the most effective and safest form of family planning. It is a permanent method.
The couple should be very sure that, they do not want to have any baby again.


Male sterilization is called vasectomy. It is done through opertion for men who have completed the number of children they want.
It is safe and simple procedure vasectomy is not castration

How it works

A trained health provider makes a small opening in the scrotum, closes the tubes that carry sperm. Out of the semen bthe man will still have errection and still ejaculate but the semen can no longer make women pregnant. The operation takes just about 30 minutes.


-         Does not stop erections
-         Does not stop the release of semen and sexual pleasure
-         Permanent procedure gives the family planning for the rest of ones life.


There could be pain, swelling or brushing of the scrotum for a few days after surgery
-         Only special trained health provider can do the procedure
-         Does not take effect immediately,the first 120 ejaculation may contain sperm. The man should use condom or another method of family planning for the first 20 ejaculations after the operation.


After these 20 ejaculates, vasectomy is 99% effective

Tubal ligation

Female sterilization is called tuba ligation. It is for women who do not want any more children. It is a surgical procedure.

Author: Adeniyi Samuel


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